Camper Information & Bunk Request Form

We want to know more about your camper! As we begin placing campers together in bunks, we value your feedback and want to consider your camper’s unique tastes, interests, passions and quirks. Please take 2-minutes to tell us more about them. 

Camper Information & Bunk Request Form

Camper Name(Required)
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Please upload a 'head shot' photo of your camper. This is very helpful to our staff members in getting to know what campers look like before each session starts.
Request up to two campers to share a bunk with. We cannot guarantee your requests, but will try our best. Please do not indicate more than two choices.
Is there a person that you would prefer to not share a cabin with? These comments will only be viewed by head counselors.
We will do our best to accommodate your request but cannot guarantee it.
Are you interested in having your camper live in a Gender Expansive Cabin