2024 1st Session Encore Coda Photo Blog!

Welcome to the Encore/Coda 2024 Photo Blog! Photos will be added continually throughout the summer to the below galleries. These are organized by weeks, so scroll down to see more photos as they are added.

1st session

go to opening day gallery

We are so excited to begin our 75th Season! Opening Day of 1st Session was a beautiful day, as we welcomed new campers and reunited with returners. 

This slideshow features photos from opening day (Wednesday) and the first full day of Camp (Thursday). Some highlights include:

  • Arrivals
  • Rhino Nite Lite (featuring our counselors!)
  • The first rehearsals
  • Activities around Camp
  • Meals
  • The first Campfire!

It has been a packed two days, and we are so excited for all of the great rehearsals, activities, and concerts that await! 

Go to cabin night gallery

Here are some photos from our Cabin Night, where campers got to hang out with their bunkmates and continue to develop friendships and have fun! We also had our first pizza night of the summer! The Camp Kitchen made delicious pizza and the campers enjoyed a special treat of soda! 

go to concert gallery
Go to Carnival DAy gallery
Go to music classes gallery
Go to Trip Day gallery
Go to More Concerts gallery
Go to Outdoor Music gallery